Thursday, August 11, 2011

Humala in Hiding

 Peru's Humala unveils new governing style: silence
(Reuters) Two weeks into his five-year term, Peru's President Ollanta Humala has retreated from the public spotlight, showing an odd reluctance to discuss policies, scandals or even his plans for running the country.
PNE Opinion:

Humala, all campaign talk? The campaigner with no plan on how to fulfill the absurd promises he made? That would be my guess for a man who has an empty leadership and accomplishment résumé. Please ask yourself what has Humala ever done? Be in the military? Be a failed coup leader against democracy? Be retired? His only public display so far as president is to backtrack on his promise to accept the standing 1993 Peruvian Constitution and not to try to change it. Now he doesn’t want the press to be given access to him nor his governing plans? Nor his cabinet!? Humala is not and never was qualified by any measurable standard to be president of Perú. I think we may be  seeing the first signs of big trouble ahead. Of course those signs were visible during Humala’s campaign. But now we have the real deal. And, that is even more frightening.  “No comment and no access” is not an acceptable stance for democratic leadership. Humala promised transparency. Hmmm… Where have I heard that one before!!! 

Nice that Humala cowers and escapes media scrutiny while Constitutional Law Professor and Congresswoman Martha Chávez (who courageously and rightfully defended the democracy of the Peruvian people by calling Humala out, for swapping the constitutions, during his inauguration and lost her congressional seat for 120 days at Humala’s hands because of it) faces up to the press and shows that she is a substantial, intelligent and confident woman to be admired. Punto Final scumbag Nicolás Lúcar sent his attack “perra” Julianna Oxenford to berate and excoriate Martha Chávez in the guise of an interview that turnout to be nothing more than a third rate verbal attack. La perra Julianna Oxenford’s interruptive, aggressive and interrogative behavior, along with scoffing laugher and ill-manners, complete with hand gestures normally reserved for scolding small children was over-the-top brutishness. She even insinuates that Martha is mentally unstable when it is obvious that la perra Julianna may be the one who needs psychoanalysis. Punto Final even used the black and white video technique normally reserved for criminal interviews.

Not surprisingly Martha showed Julianna to be the pathetic Humala sympathizer and apologist that she is. Martha calmly and agilely with grace shut that perra Julianna Oxenford down at every turn. The ambush concluded with Martha gracefully telling the perra Julianna Oxenford, that if she wanted a debate, she would be happy to debate her. But she should have been honest and ethical enough to ask for that.

After the so-called interview the lowlife Nicolás Lúcar had the stupidity and arrogance to say that Martha Chávez had made Perú look like savages to the world. Nicolás Lúcar you are still the dishonest lying Humala supporter you were through his entire campaign. Stop presenting yourself as an objective journalist and declare your political partiality before making your asinine commentary! You are definitely a media, Third World monkey. And so is anyone who would pull a moronic stunt like swapping the "old" out of force Peruvian constitution for the actual in force Peruvian constitution during a televised presidential inaugural event without pre-announcing any intention to do so. That is a slap in the face of the democratic process and the citizens of Perú. Nicolás Lúcar thinks Martha Chávez makes Perú look like savages to the World? Are you kidding me!?

Ollanta Humala

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