Living in Peru has published another in a long line of snobbish writers (Stephen Kurczy) bemoaning the patheticism [sic] of the mysterious, unfortunate and pitiful political system of Peru. They do this mind you, while all the first world nations are trying to figure out how to save their economies from irreversibly falling off an economic cliff into a bottomless cavern of debt. And, while Peru continues to be the economic envy of the World.
You know how I can tell they are snobs? Everyone of them can’t help working in the comments of leftist Mario Vargas Llosa while illuminating the dull witted common man with their rarefied air intellectualism and insight. Please! How about some originality!?
Excepts from the article by Stephen Kurczy “Peru’s Choice.”
--“That includes Mario Vargas Llosa, who, after calling the June 5 presidential run-off a choice between “terminal cancer and AIDS,” endorsed populist candidate Humala, even if “unhappily and with fear.””
““It's a country nobody can understand,” a Dutch scientist says in Vargas Llosa's 1993 novel “Death in the Andes.” “And for people from clear, transparent countries like mine, nothing is more attractive than an indecipherable mystery.”
”“I don’t know if Vargas Llosa’s endorsement of Humala was for AIDS or terminal cancer, but both options sound pretty bad.”
“Indeed, as Vargas Llosa himself said ahead of the April 10 first round, this presidential campaign has been a “tournament of clowns with an absence of an ideological debate.”
”(“That's enough brooding,” as the main character says in Vargas Llosa’s “Death in the Andes.” “Fix us some coffee for this shit weather.”)
Keiko is a great candidate. She will turnout to be the best president Peru has ever had. She is very well educated (Keiko has a business degree in the University of Boston and a master degree from Columbia University) and she understands the importance of world commerce and interconnectivity. There is great opportunity ahead and Keiko will allow that opportunity to continue to flow into Peru. She is also a compassionate woman who will care for those less fortunate. It is these elitist prognosticators that need find other work. They all sing the same song and call it insightful creativity. Nonsense! Why do they waste our time!?
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