Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keiko Fujimori Is No Superwoman, But She's Really Good!

I just read this interview with Keiko.

Every time I hear from Keiko the more impressed I am. The tenor of the interview, on the part of the interviewer, seemed aggressive. But in this case, it just gave more fuel to Keiko to prove her metal. This is a strong, compassionate, articulate, determined, cool under fire, well educated and very intelligent woman. Peru is so lucky to have this quality of candidate vying for the position of President. Of course it is impossible to predict what lies ahead for Peru, but once elected Keiko will have the steady hand and depth of character to navigate the waters ahead. I believe she will serve this country fairly at all economic levels. It is no wonder at all that the attacks on her originate from more than decade old crimes allegedly commented while her father was president. That in itself speaks to the buffoonish ignorance of her detractors and the strength of her candidacy.

I fully expect to see Keiko, at the May 29 debate, confidently disarm and expose the weakness of her terribly disingenuous and flawed opponent Ollanta Humala.

Perú's future is looking very bright!

Please post all comments to Peru-N-English Discussion Group


zweiosterei said...

I'd say I agree with your judgement although I think that she is still a little bit to young for my liking. The presidency is a role that needs someone with a huge amount of experience: political experience, managerial experience, life experience, you name it. So in that regard I believe 10 or even 5 years more as a congresswoman would have made her close to my ideal of what the candidate to the presidency should be. The closest to that ideal IMO was PPK so I accordingly voted for him in the first round. Humala's experience in the military filled with accusations of excess, insurgency and violence, not to mention his relationship with Chavez and the so called pink tide, makes him a candidate as far as my ideal as it could be. I'm jorcaryvan by the way.

Peru-N-English said...

jorcaryvan, Like you, I think Keiko is young for the job. But to counter that I perceive she is not arrogant and she doesn’t think she knows it all. I believe she knows enough to surround herself with good experienced people. If she administers her presidency thoughtfully and intelligently, as I believe she will, she will take in all the more experienced opinions and render her decisions in a fair and equitable approach. Of course all presidents make mistakes, but I don’t see her stubbornly entrenched in her first decision as many of her ego driven counterparts around the world have been in the past.

I liked PPK, too. But I found two things troubling with him. First was his advanced age. I think he is just too old for a five year term. Second, and maybe related to the first, is that he didn’t ever seem to have the fire and desire I like to see in someone campaigning for president. But he did seem to be having a lot of fun. He seems like a really nice guy.