Friday, June 3, 2011

Knocking at Perú's Front Door Humala, Chavez, Evo & Castro

 Joel Hirst, in this article, does a good job of connecting the dots. Humala, Chavez, Castro, etc. Like he says, "None of this story is new, nor should it surprise those of us who follow closely the politics of the region.” It is an ominous warning to all who are willing to listen. How long will it be, if Humala is elected president of Perú, before Hugo Chavez is a regular on our nightly news?

Excerpts from: Ollanta Humala of Peru -- Hugo Chavez’s Secret Candidate

After failing to propel candidate Ollanta Humala to the presidency in 2006 with Venezuelan cash and robust – public support from a confident Hugo Chávez – Chávez agreed to prepare more stealthily for 2011.
The first step was recommending that Humala not travel again to Venezuela.
Instead, the strategy was to attempt to hoodwink the electorate by pushing Humala towards Brazil's PT (Workers Party) and the larger than life Luis Ignacio "Lula" da Silva – Brazil's former president.
The person that Chávez recommended was Valter Pomar, the national Vice-President of the Workers Party and an active member of the Sao Paulo Forum (FSP). The FSP is an organization of far-left extremists (including numerous members of the FARC and other Latin American terrorists) that was founded in 1990 in Sao Paulo, Brazil by Lula and Fidel Castro after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Castro realized that the day for armed insurrection was coming to a close, and that they would instead have to infiltrate civil society and political parties with radical communist ideology
This report outlines a fourfold Venezuelan infiltration into Peru since 2006. The first is through the Bolivarian Continental Movement (MCB), a front organization for the FARC whose membership in Peru includes members of the MRTA, a Peruvian terrorist organization. The second is the Bolivarian Congress of the Nations (CBN), seen as the political wing of the terrorist MCB. MCB president Fernando Bossi traveled several times to Peru over the last years, and allegedly met with members of Humala’s Gana Peru party.
To Read the Full Article Click Here

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