Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sulking Nobel Writer Vargas Llosa Pouts and Quits El Comercio


Nobel writer Vargas Llosa removes weekly column from El Comercio

Novelist and Nobel 2010 winner Mario Vargas Llosa wrote a harsh letter to the publisher of El Comercio daily on Monday, explaining his reasons for rescinding any right to the newspaper to republish his syndicated column from Madrid’s newspaper El País:
Read more From Peruvian Times


This is so typical of left-wingers. "If I can't have it my way, I'm not going to play anymore. Give me my ball! I'm going home! Wah Wah Wah!" If you've ever played neighborhood sports, you must have met this type of guy. What an infantile, spoiled brat, mentality and response! He runs from conflicts and challenges. He doesn't stand and fight for his principles. Why? Because he has no principles! This is a man who used to hate everything for which Humala stood. 

"Humala, a dangerous far-left fascist-montesinista, as Gustavo Gorriti and Alvaro Vargas Llosa among others, called him in the last election ..."

Thank you for the insight into your character Mr. Nobel Wienie winner. I'm laughing at you, not with you. We don't need your Kmart ball anyway! (grin)

I shouldn't be like that. These poor left-wing elitists live in such a bubble, that it must be very traumatic for them to be challenged in any way. I feel so sorry for Mr. Vargas Llosa. :-(

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