Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Liar! Liar! Pants On Fire! But They're Not Burning On "Barato" (Cheap) Gas

Humala has already, since being elected, backtracked on the promise of bidónes of gas for S/.12 each. Actually saying, he never promised bidónes of gas for S/.12 each. You can be the judge. Maybe Humala should send some people out to take down his political campaign signs that advertised bidónes of gas for S/.12 each? They’re still up in many locations. Especially where the poorer folks live. Most intelligent people knew that S/. 12 gas was not a sound policy based in economic reality. But most of the poorer folks around here, I talked with, were really excited about bidónes of gas for S/. 12 as they headed off to the polls to vote. “Ollanta! Presidente! Ollanta! Presidente! Ollanta! Presidente!”

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