June 30, 2011 UPDATE:
While the extremely far left, ideologically driven, kooky mayor of Lima, Susana Villarán, who claims to be a devout Catholic while working feverishly to advance abortion, prostitution and LGBT rights (at the expense of many substantive and badly needed projects in Lima), couldn't put together a kind word for the majority supported project. Susana Villarán appears to be more than just a bit conflicted.
Pope Benedict XVI prayed that the 121 foot-tall monument overlooking the city of Lima, Peru will “inspire everyone to grow in the love of God and neighbor.” He encouraged Peruvians to “work tirelessly in the building of an ever more just, unified and fraternal society, in a climate of respect and diligent collaboration in the search for the common good,” according to the newspaper El Comercio. The Pope's words came in a message for the blessing of the massive “Christ of the Pacific” statue on June 24.
Mayor of Lima, Susana Villarán said. "I'm Catholic; I don't have problems with the figure of Christ, but it would have been better to dedicate the resources to social investment," The mayor dismisses the statue as "a plastic copy of the Christ of Corcovado.
But Susana Villarán's words seem infinitesimally small, spiteful and petty when compared to the message read by Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima. “It’s very easy to find reasons to criticize. We could talk about so many investments — without getting into details in order to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes — so many areas where there is useless spending. I think this is a small expense because it is a donation,” the cardinal noted. He said his own personal intention regarding the project is “to reconcile and not divide.”
Looney Tunes |
Hookers trumping infrastructure
Absent on commitments of national pride
Distractions rather than accomplishments
Obstruction without contribution
Absent on commitments of national pride
Distractions rather than accomplishments
Obstruction without contribution
Symbolism over substance
Where is the Villarán plan to materially improve Lima, Perú?
Where is the Villarán plan to materially improve Lima, Perú?
From Living in Peru
Disagreement on giant statue of Christ to be installed in Lima
Obviously elitist liberal/progressive “secular politics” are alive and well in Lima.
Lima mayor, Susana Villarán, has asked president Alan García to consider moving the location of the new statue, known as "Christ of the Pacific," saying the statue will affect the view of the Morro Solar.
Of course we all know this is about secularism and politics. Not the unsightly tower obstructed skyline of Morro Solar. If it were a statue of Karl Marx, or another famous secular figure, would Susana Villarán be objecting?
Aren’t there more pressing issues in Lima, on which Mayor Susana Villarán, should expend her energy and diminishing political clout? I believe there are (pollution, crime, corruption, traffic, social services, etc.). But then, chasing insignificance seems to be her passion.
Final Thought:
I think this statue is a brilliant idea and will immediately become a point of local pride and a marvelous tourist attraction. It certainly doesn’t hurt the featureless, barren and tower struck skyline of Morro Solar. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that this beautiful gift is only exclusionary if you have a closed mind. I appreciate all points of view and symbols of devotion, from any belief or religion, promoting love, community spirit and tolerance. Perhaps the reason atheists have such a problem with people of all religions expressing their faith is because they have none to share. Thank you to all in Perú and Brazil who made this possible.
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